داستان آبیدیک

conservation unit


1 حقوق:: واحد حفاظت

To that end, Federal Law No. 9.985/2000, which insti- tuted the National System of Nature Conservation Units, was created. this Law defined two types of Conservation Units: the Full Protection Units, in which, as a rule, only the indirect use of natural resources is permitted, and the Sustainable Use Units, in which an attempt is made at reconciling conservation with the use of part of the resources. The conservation units of the SNUC are divided into two groups, with specific characteristics: CONAMA Resolution No. 02/1996, for example, allows for the possibility of requiring undertakings with large environmental impact to create a Conservation Unit, which should preferentially be located within the area of the undertaking.51 This demand was also included in Federal Law No. 9.985/2000, in cases of ventures with significant environmental impact.52 These costs are regulated by art. 31 of Federal Decree No. 4.340/2002. In order to repair environmental damage caused by destruction of the forest and other ecosystems, the licensing of undertakings with significant environmental impact, as deemed by the competent environmental authority based on the EIA/RIMA, will have as one of the requirements to be met by the licensee, the implementation of a conservation unit of public domain and indirect use, preferentially an Ecological Station, at the discretion of the licensing authority, in consultation with the entrepreneur.

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